It’s already difficult to juggle all the complex demands of our jobs, social lives, and personal needs, but when you’re also performing regular caregiving responsibilities at home, the risk of burn-out or exhaustion becomes even higher. For the 75% of American workers who operate within the “care spectrum” outside of work, there can be a significant toll on their productivity – and ultimately, their ability to succeed in the workplace.
According to a recent study performed by researchers at Harvard Business School, nearly 28% of those workers who perform a caregiving role – whether for childcare or senior care – report that it impacted their career in a negative way. Additionally, up to 59% said that caregivers are perceived to be less committed to their careers than non-caregivers, and receive very little accommodation from their employers.
Creating a “Care Culture” at Work and Home
This lack of a “care culture” at our nation’s workplaces doesn’t just present a strain on an individual’s career. Over time, it can also cause these individuals to become worn down and frustrated with their situation, and ultimately have a more difficult time providing loved ones with the kind of attention and care they would like to give.
While employers should take action to build conducive cultures for caregiving, the dramatic rise of in-home care and related services can also serve as an effective solution to this problem. Because in-home care services can cover duties like personal grooming, grocery shopping, and transportation, family members may discover more free time to connect with their loved ones. By focusing more of their attention on companionship and building positive relationships, workers may find an improved quality of life, and more energy for the workplace too.
Committed to Empowering Families
As the population continues to grow older, it will become more important than ever for seniors to have access to quality caregiving services. Back in 1980, our founders at Homewatch CareGivers® understood that this would be the case, and saw an opportunity to help families with managing their caregiving responsibilities.
Providing best-in-class professional care services in the comfort of home, our franchise owners and caregivers make it easier for today’s workers to strike a balance between their own needs and the needs of their family members. With a proven business model that includes ongoing support, training, and resources, our owners can create a profitable business that actually helps those in their local communities – and changes our society’s “care culture” for the better.
For more information about our in-home care franchise opportunity, contact us online today!