6 Reasons Veterans Make Amazing Senior Care Franchisees


According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 19 million military veterans live in the United States. And of that population, 14% are franchise owners.

As military personnel start returning home and hanging up their boots (so to speak), they may be looking for opportunities to use the skills acquired during active duty. The great thing about veterans seeking business ownership in the senior care industry is that they already possess qualities that make them ideal franchisees. Some of these qualities include:

  • Compassion
  • Reverence
  • High standards
  • Leadership

And not only do veterans get to use their innate skills to find success as a franchisee, but franchisors can greatly benefit from awarding businesses to these disciplined and hard-working individuals.

Allow us to elaborate a bit.

1. Veterans Can Help Grow Franchise Networks Significantly

Servicemen and women spend years dedicating their lives to serving others and creating unbreakable bonds with persons in similar situations. These tight-knit communities usually follow service members after they’re no longer serving in an active-duty capacity, helping make the transition much easier on them and their families.

Having a veteran’s network of family and friends see their success as a franchise is almost like having free advertising. After all, veterans trust other veterans. And if a current veteran franchisee tells others about their thriving business, they’ll be more inclined to check out senior care franchise opportunities as well.

2. Veterans Attract Quality Employees and Customers

Not only do veterans trust other veterans, but civilians trust veterans as well. When communities hear that a former service member has opened a business, they are more than willing to support someone who served our country. Veterans who become senior care franchise owners can tap into their already comprehensive network of fellow service members and civilian friends and family. Additionally, local governments tend to promote and support veteran franchisees as word-of-mouth spreads, resulting in a large customer base, revenue increase, and growth.

3. Veterans Are Strong Leaders

Many leaders weren’t born with a specific gene that told them leadership was their path. Instead, some of the most successful leaders in history learned how to lead by emulating others or formal/informal training.

Former servicemen and women, regardless of rank, have had some leadership roles during their active-duty years or were required to participate in leadership training. This kind of experience is invaluable as a home care franchisee and something a franchisor wouldn’t be able to replicate during the training process. In addition, veterans come to the table with skills and knowledge they can use to make their business a success.

4. Veterans Are Adept at Following Established Systems

One of the advantages of owning a home care franchise is that there is already a tried-and-true system in place. Franchisees don’t have to exhaust resources trying to reinvent the wheel. What makes veterans ideal senior care franchise owners is that they are used to established models that have proven successful time and time again. They can understand and discern complex systems and adhere to them because that was a significant part of their time in the military.

5. Veterans Can Handle Stress Well

The level of stress entrepreneurs feel trying to get their businesses off the ground is nothing compared to what military personnel have to endure regularly. After all, the responsibility of defending our country consistently weighs heavily on active and retired service members. As a result, veterans are skilled at dealing with stress and have techniques to overcome it.

As a new franchise owner, learning the ins and outs of the franchise brand is critical to the overall success and can be anxiety-inducing at times. However, because veterans are well acquainted with tense situations, they can handle them as franchise owners.

6. Veterans Are Responsive to Training

Basic training is likely a service member’s first foray into intensive and long-term training to get ready for life in the military. Once this initial training is completed, more technical preparation is required as they’re introduced to specific roles and job responsibilities. Continuous learning is something a military veteran is accustomed to, and this kind of training exposure makes them very receptive and adaptable to new teachings. Therefore, franchisors get highly trainable individuals ready to dive into months-long in-person and virtual training sessions.

Homewatch CareGivers® Has Franchise Opportunities for Veterans

Homewatch CareGivers is a proud supporter of our military servicemen and women worldwide, and we have made it our mission to make franchise ownership with us an ideal opportunity. Entrepreneur.com and Franchise Business Review have consistently ranked Homewatch CareGivers as a top franchise brand for veterans. And we want you to take advantage of an in-home care franchise opportunity with us.

For more information or to get started today, call (888) 718-5318.
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