Software program lets home care franchise tailor processes to the continuum of care it delivers
Homewatch CareGivers is a standout in the home care franchise industry because it provides the full continuum of home care and is heavily invested in the emotional as well as physical needs of its clients.
Homewatch CareGivers focuses on the whole person, allowing clients and caregivers to enjoy a special relationship. The home care franchise takes this relationship seriously - caregivers and case managers already use tools that incorporate this holistic approach to home care. Now the home care franchise has taken this one step further with a new proprietary software platform,Homewatch CareGivers Care+.
This platform allows Homewatch CareGivers franchisees to measure points of contact along both emotional and physical needs, more effectively incorporating the franchise mission into its operating principles. The easy-to-use platform allows caregivers and other professionals to schedule appointments and track a variety of specialized tasks to establish which ones are completed. Homewatch CareGivers Care+ can provide an effective snapshot of the care protocols and easily generate reports to meet state insurance requirements and to share with family members and referral sources.
The tools incorporated in the proprietary software include screening procedures for adult independent living, risk assessment and also for dementia. The platform is one more way Homewatch CareGivers franchisees can leverage the scalable processes of an established home care franchise.
The home care industry is already booming with an increase in the aging population. A recent AARP study finds that a majority (89 percent) of seniors prefer to age in place in their homes. Even more compelling, the sheer number of seniors is expected to increase dramatically in the coming years. With this comes an increase in demand for services like Homewatch CareGivers provides. Using innovative software such as Homewatch CareGivers Care+ and leveraging systematized operating procedures, franchisees can make great strides in the home care franchise industry.
Given Homewatch CareGivers’ whole-person philosophy and a growing market for care, franchisees can expect to be at the forefront of a booming field with cutting-edge technology at their fingertips.
Learn more about Homewatch CareGivers and the vitality of the market demand.