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    • A woman sits in a rattan chair reading on a shady lawn surrounded by pots of colorful flowering plants.
      Caregiver Self-Care Checklist

      As rewarding as caregiving can be, it can also be an incredibly demanding role to play. Learn how to take care of yourself, so you can take care of others.

    • The image depicts a young man sitting in a wheelchair, preparing to stand up.
      How a Caregiver Can Help Someone Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

      Spinal muscular atrophy is a complex condition that affects everyone differently. Find out how a caregiver can help.

    • Two young ladies enjoy a cheerful visit with an elderly family member in a senior living facility.
      Caregiver Fatigue: What to Know and How to Heal

      Caregiver burnout, fatigue, stress. You might not know what to call it, but you know it when you feel it: The weight of being a caregiver for an elderly, sick, or injured loved one can take a tremendous toll on your physical and mental health.

  • Financial & Planning See all Financial & Planning Posts
    • Now is the Time for Estate Planning

      Experts recommend estate planning before a crisis hits. Read one person's story in this article.

    • The word Medicare.
      Medicare, Medicaid, and Home Care

      The opportunity to use Medicaid to pay for in-home care will depend first on meeting the qualifications and then the state in which the person needing care resides.

    • An elderly woman holds her head in her hand as she looks at the computer.
      The Most Popular Scams Targeting the Elderly (and Prevention Tips)

      Although people of any age can be taken advantage of by thieves and scammers, research shows that people over the age of 60 are among the most vulnerable; people over 80 are at even higher risk for financial exploitation, according to Consumer Affairs.

    • A female caregiver helps an elder woman cook in the kitchen.
      10 Healthy Meals for Seniors That Are Quick and Easy to Make

      Eating right is important at every age. However, as bodies age the ability to maintain a healthy diet can be challenged. We share 10 easy and healthy meal suggestions for seniors.

    • Tips for Maintaining Cardiovascular Health

      February is National Heart Health Month. Here are four ways that a caregiver or anyone taking care of a loved one can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    • Anti-inflammatory fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish laid out on a gray countertop.
      Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Seniors

      There are many benefits of anti-inflammatory diets for seniors. Learn which foods your senior loved one can enjoy that reduce inflammation.

    • Mother's Day Gifts and Activities for Seniors
  • Prevention & Safety Tips See all Prevention & Safety Tips Posts
    • Safety Precautions: What It Means
    • A person holds on to a grab bar in a bathroom.
      The 4 Most Surprising Bathroom Hazards for the Elderly

      Bathrooms can be perilous, especially for people who are elderly or living with a chronic condition that can make slips and falls more likely. The good news is that simple safety measures can be put in place to make bathrooms safer for everyone.

    • Kitchen Safety Tips for Seniors

      The kitchen can be a dangerous place for anyone, but several kitchen hazards are noted concerns for seniors. Learn how to keep your aging loved ones safe.

    • A young woman pats an older man on the shoulder as he sits on the couch.
      National Stress Awareness Month: Ways to Support Caregivers

      Looking for ways to reduce your stress as a caregiver? We've got several tips to help!

    • A young woman places her arm around her elderly mother who appears to be in distress.
      Causes of Negative Thinking: How to Help Your Elder Loved One

      The physical and mental challenges that come with aging can intensify the likelihood of negative thoughts. Here are four ways to help you cope with elderly negative thinking.

    • An infographic illustrates how the chickenpox virus reactivates to cause shingles later in life.
      Can Stress Cause Shingles?

      Ouch! Shingles can be extremely painful. Stress can be one trigger for the infection. Learn about the connection between shingles and stress.

    • A man in a cozy sweater sits on a sofa with his grandchildren.
      8 Facts About Strokes

      Learn facts about strokes, including the types, symptoms, and recovery. Know the FAST signs and how Homewatch CareGivers can support your loved one.