Dementia Live Experience

Homewatch CareGivers logo and Seniors & Aging Solutions logo

Homewatch CareGivers of Thousand Oaks Partners with Senior and Aging Solutions Dementia Mobile Unit in Presenting Dementia Live

Dementia Live Logo - "because it's frightening to care for someone you don't understand"

January 17, 2024, at the Goebel Adult Community Center in Thousand Oaks, CA at their Wellness Fest. Homewatch CareGivers of Thousand Oaks & partnering with Senior and Aging Solutions to present the Dementia Live Experience in their mobile unit.

Below are some of the comments and reactions to this life-changing experience:

“This was the most powerful and emotional experience; it changes how I definitely will care for my loved one that has Alzheimer’s disease (AD).” This was a comment from an adult son, caring for his mother through her journey with AD.

“I have a whole new perspective on the challenges facing my clients with dementia.” This was a typical response from the caregivers and senior community professionals that participated in the Dementia Live Experience.”

The Dementia Live Experience (DL) is a scientifically proven training designed to build sensitivity and awareness among individuals caring for those living with dementia. The 30-minute tour enables participants to experience the physical and mental challenges facing those who are living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The tour concludes with a one-on-one debrief with Homewatch CareGivers owner, Randy Martin, trained & certified DL Experience Coach.

This allows participants to relate the tour experience to their individual caregiving roles. “The debrief experience was enlightening,” according to a participant. The experience elicited so many emotions in participants in our discussions during their time in the debriefing tent, we could feel the compassion and commitment caregivers (professional or family CG) that this experience helped them understand what their client or loved one was feeling and to provide great care them.

In addition to presenting the DL Experience to caregivers employed by Homewatch CareGivers, we will also make this experience available to members of the local community and community organizations. For more information about the Dementia Live experience and to arrange to have the mobile unit come to your business location, contact Homewatch CareGivers at (805) 716-6656.

three women wearing gloves, headphones, and dark sunglassesWhat is Dementia Live Experience

  • Using specialized gear within a safe environment, Dementia Live® gives participants a real-life simulation of what it must be like to live with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Participants gain greater awareness and understanding of the constant struggles, physical and mental challenges facing those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease 24/7.
  • Most importantly, what they are FEELING.
  • It teaches participants how to respond to the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes presented by individuals with dementia.
  • Greater understanding leads to more sensitive care partnering.

Who should experience Dementia Live (DL)?

  • We are at the crossroads of understanding aging and dementia; this understanding is not an option but a necessity for every member of our society.
  • DL will equip those who are caring for and serving our aging population to better understand their challenges.
  • Our audience is anyone who wants to learn what it is like to live with dementia.

photo on the right shows a large diverse group of people in bright clothing; photo on the right shows a group of doctors and nurses

booths and large bus set up for an event

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