Myth-Buster in Home Healthcare

Unlike Europe where socialized medicine has almost every service covered, (but very high taxes), the US system of healthcare generally only has preventative care basics covered.There are many myths surrounding home healthcare-one of them is that it should come as a free service with Medicare. It seems a large proportion of consumers have the notion that every bit of health care (medical or non-medical) should be something they have no out of pocket cost for. Why is that?

This includes vital services provided by home healthcare such as medication compliance, assistance with activities of daily living such as personal care, meal preparation, transportation such as follow-ups to medical appointments, and of course engagement activities to stimulate cognitive function and socialization of our elders.While it is obvious that an individual might need (typically covered) Nursing services, OT, PT, and Speech, to successfully return to healthy and safe living at home, why is it that the above mentioned non-medical services, which have been shown to contribute to reducing hospital re-admittance and remaining in your own home are often prematurely not considered by families because there is a cost attached to them?

People are able to remain in their own home because of carefully selecting private home healthcare in combination with other programs such as Highland Valley, or Veterans Benefits, to provide the most cost effective and affordable care. Rather than dismissing these vital, lifesaving services, why not carefully consider the fact that the life enhancing and quality of life benefits associated with them may far out-weigh their costs? If the highest quality non-medical homecare was the only thing preventing you from living out your life in a nursing home, would you not strongly consider it?

It is worth understanding basic Medicare coverage and the components (A,B,C,and D) to ascertain what is actually covered, and what necessary services might not be covered such as home healthcare. A couple of good resources are or to get a handle on what's to come. In this case, ignorance is not bliss. It pays to know your options before the fact, so when the time comes you can choose or assist your loved one in choosing the best options in Medicare coverage and home healthcare.