Nutrition for Elders and Older Adults

Most people agree that good nutrition is an important part of living a happy and healthy life and many of us try to eat well. However, as people age, efforts to maintain proper nutrition become more difficult. Several of the complicating factors to ensuring good nutrition include having to cut certain foods out of the individuals’ diet for medical reasons, dental pain which makes eating more difficult or painful, and loneliness and depression which can cause a loss of interest in eating. These are not the only factors that lead to malnutrition in elders but are some of the more common reasons elders struggle with malnutrition. In fact, some studies have concluded that up to 60% of hospitalized older adults are malnourished.

These sobering facts can leave many families of elders worried that there is nothing that can be done to solve such a large issue. While there is no such thing as an easy fix to these types of issues, however, we at Homewatch CareGivers of Saint Charles offer personalized solutions to ensure your loved ones are cared for and well nourished. Because our care is individual, elders who struggle with loneliness and depression are guaranteed to have someone to eat with. Many elder struggle to do things like visiting a dentist, but when Homewatch CareGivers of Saint Charles is your partner in care we can take your loved ones to their appointments and ensure they get the medical care they need. We can also shop and cook with or for your loved ones which helps to make sure they are eating nutritious and tasty meals. If you are interested in learning more about Homewatch CareGivers of Saint Charles and how we can be your partners in care, please visit our website here. If you are interested in learning more about nutrition for elders, please visit the Chefs for Seniors website here.

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