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Personalized Connected Care

Medication Safety Tips

Homewatch CareGivers Offers Medication Safety for Seniors

Medication management is an important aspect of senior care. The elderly are likely to develop at least one, if not multiple chronic conditions that require different prescription medications to manage – often from different health care providers. To keep your loved one healthy, Homewatch CareGivers can help manage your loved one’s medications so they never miss a dose, accidentally double a dose, or take with the wrong foods.

Here are some medication management tips our caregivers use:

  • Keeping a detailed list of medications, including doses and dosage times. Include over-the-counter medications such as vitamins or any herbal remedies for your elderly love one’s health care provider.
  • Use a pill dispenser as a medication management system.
  • Store medications properly in a cool, dry place, or any other place where they must be stored.
  • Write a journal of any changes in the patient’s mood or behavior when new medications are introduced, dosages change, or certain pills are eliminated, to communicate to the client’s physician.


Providing the highest quality of care at an affordable cost. Our local caregivers are trained, background-checked, and insured. This is our promise to you.

About Our Caregivers
  • We conduct annual background checks on all local caregivers.

  • We provide at least 12 hours annually of employee training.

  • We perform in-person Quality Assurance visits at least every 90 days.

  • We conduct satisfaction surveys to monitor the level of care provided.

Ready to Speak with an Expert?
Homewatch CareGivers is Here to Help.

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