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Post-Surgery Care

caregiver with client

We at Homewatch CareGivers of Silver Spring provide comprehensive non-medical care for post-surgery recovery. As the pandemic wanes and a larger percentage of general population is vaccinated, more people are scheduling their elective surgeries that had been postponed.

As you plan for your surgery, it’s important to consider your post-surgery recovery plan to help move your recovery along as quickly and safely as possible. Here are a few tips, along with your doctor’s orders, to help you have anxiety-free recovery:

  1. Follow your doctor’s orders regarding incision care and keep the incision area clean and dry.
  2. Your doctor will want you to take your pain control medication as prescribed. As it is easier to prevent pain than controlling it, make sure you follow your doctor’s prescription. If you still have trouble controlling pain, consult with your doctor immediately for added/different paint control measures. Since some pain control medications have strong narcotic properties, it is important to only take pain control medication per your doctor’s prescription.
  3. Your medical team may ask you to keep an eye on possible signs of blood clot including pain and swelling, skin feeling hot to touch or changing color of the skin. If you get any of these symptoms or see any other changes, get medical help immediately.
  4. Allow self-care and be patient. It is important for you to allow your mind and body to heal in order to recover from surgery. Allow yourself to get the necessary help in your daily activities whether from family members, friends or professional caregivers. Since everyone recovers at a different rate, be patient and follow the doctor’s orders.
  5. Returning to active life style. You may be extremely tired when you get home from surgery. To minimize issues with the incision site, your doctor may instruct you to limit your movements in and around incision area. They may also give you specific guidelines as to when it is safe for you to return to normal activities including lifting weights etc. However, if allowed by the doctor, it is important to get some movement to keep the blood flow going and to promote overall healing.

More information about post-surgery care can be found here. If you are in Montgomery County, Silver Spring, Kensington, Ashton, Tacoma Park and Burtonsville, please contact us for your post-surgical recovery care today!