Home Care and Stress Reduction

By: Aaron Perl

Our world has changed since COVID-19, and the impact on our senior population has been detrimental. Lack of interactions and precautions to remain safe can be very stressful for some. However, there are many ways to reduce stress and remain healthy at during these times.

Below, we acknowledge ways of coping with COVID-19 to reduce stress and remain healthy:

1. Contact your health professional to ask any questions should you feel overwhelmed and extremely anxious about the virus.

2. Take control of your emotional health by adding means to ease sad feelings. A caregiver can help you not only with physical tasks, but also providing you companionship avoiding loneliness and boredom.

3. Take breaks from watching TV, especially the news. While it’s fine to stay informed, worrying and stressing about things beyond your control are not helpful to your emotional well-being.

4. Our caregivers can help with things like grocery shopping for healthy foods and meal preparation. Eating well can have a positive impact on outlook.

5. Talk with others (family, friends, community resources, your caregiver) about your feelings of concern or spread some joy.

Although these are difficult times, individuals do not need to feel stressed every day. Remember to find your gratitude daily and to stay engaged in your life through social connections and physical movement.

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