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July- A Clients Story

Robert and Caregiver

Robert has two Master’s degrees, one in engineering and one in analytics. In 2013 he and a friend went into business together making prototypes. He is now self-employed running two success businesses! Robert is a paraplegic due to a birth defect. Homewatch has been providing care for him since March 2016. Prior to that, Homewatch cared for his dad. Our caregivers assist Robert in getting up in the morning, dressed, and ready for his workday. Aside from working full time, Robert is currently trying to improve his overall health and fitness level.

1. Why do like Homewatch?

Response: “I have had the great fortune of having family who are able and want to help, but I don't have a large family, so over time as family has passed away, I found the need for caregivers to assist with my care. I got in touch with Homewatch based on the recommendation of a knowledgeable elder care consultant I found through networking. It has always been important to me to have flexibility in my caregiver schedule due to my work hours, and it was this flexibility that was the deciding factor in the consultant recommending I call Homewatch.”

2. How has Homewatch been helpful to you?

Response: “A side effect of my condition is that my legs swell as a result of sitting in my wheelchair all day. I have compression garments which I must wear to keep down the swelling, but they are hard to put on. The caregivers put them on for me.”

3. We know you have used other caregiving companies in the past. Is there something that stands out when comparing HW to other companies?

Response: “One thing that stands out to me is the availability of someone I can talk to on the phone if something comes up unexpectedly, even on holidays and weekends.”

4. What is your favorite memory with your caregiver?

Response: “I remember having a caregiver who is nearly the same age as I am, and we used to have conversations about things that we remembered about growing up and just different things that have happened in the world since then. Sometimes we would talk about serious things, but usually we would just laugh about different experiences we had. We didn't grow up anywhere close to each other, but we had a lot of common experiences to relate to and laugh about.”

5. Is there anything else you would like to share?

Response: “I was nervous at first having someone outside my family come to help take care of my needs, but for the most part have had caregivers with Homewatch who care about helping me in a way that makes sense for me. I enjoy having conversations with my caregivers and getting to know them. Building up trust with my caregivers is important because it brings me comfort knowing I have that part of my life taken care of.”

We are thankful to provide the care that Robert needs. We look forward to helping him stay healthy and safe living at home for many years to come.

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