3 Signs Your Loved One Needs Help During the Holidays

A family enjoying Thanksgiving dinner

Many sons and daughters only get to see their parents during the holiday season. If it has been a long time since you’ve traveled home, it can be a big shock to see your parents if they’ve noticeably declined since the last time you saw them.

The holidays are a great time to assess your parents, grandparents, or other elderly loved ones and make sure they are still able to take care of themselves. Sometimes you may notice that while they are getting by, they’re not living the full life they could be. Here’s how to tell if your loved one could benefit from home care to help them live their best life.

#1 They have hygiene problems

Perhaps your mother has always had a flair for dressing up. She loves to throw on a colorful scarf, do up her makeup, and practically lives at the salon. When you see her this time however, she’s still in her pajamas and could visibly benefit from a hairbrush.

It could be that your father smells like he isn’t wiping properly, or it’s apparent that they’re not willing to shower or change clothes as much anymore. It may be that they want to be clean, but are afraid of slipping and falling in the bath or have forgotten or are too tired.

A caregiver can help them safely maintain their hygiene, giving them back health, safety, and dignity.

#2 Their pantry is empty

It may seem a little odd for a pantry to be empty during the holidays, but if you notice there’s very little food or the food is expired or inedible, it may be time to suggest some help. It can often be a struggle for the elderly to prepare their own meals.

Suddenly losing weight can also be a sign they need a little help, since it’s often easier to go without eating than to put together a proper meal. Likewise, unexpectedly gaining weight can come from switching diets from mostly homecooked to a lot of processed foods.

#3 They’ve had a personality change

Your dad has always been known for his flare for telling stories, but now he’s quiet and subdued. Your mom has always been known for her patience and kindness, but now she’s short tempered and angry over small things.

If your parents or other loved one are struggling, it can be very stressful which may lead to outbursts. If they have an unexplained personality change, it may be helpful to have them see a doctor to rule out anything medical, and to get them help so they experience less stress.

The holidays is a wonderful time to be together with family. If you notice something isn’t quite right when you are with your aging loved ones, having a conversation about the benefits of home care could help them stay in their homes longer, if that is their desire.

A kind conversation now can make all the difference, and help them not only live in their homes, but get back to the lifestyle they are accustomed to enjoying.

For more information or for a free in-home consultation, contact the experienced caregivers at Homewatch CareGivers of Loudoun today. Here, home care is human.