Medical services are not available in Connecticut. Visit the local Connecticut websites to view a list of services offered.
Personalized Connected Care

VA Aid & Attendance Benefits

Veterans Pensions Can Help Pay for Home Care for Your Loved One

elderly male WWII veteran holding an American flag

The VA Aid and Attendance benefit is the most well-known VA Pension, providing financial assistance to eligible wartime Veterans and/or their surviving spouses who require assistance of another person to complete aspects of daily living, from bathing and dressing to eating and medication management.

In addition to certain financial requirements, there are a few conditions a person must meet to qualify to receive the benefit:

  • Age
  • Period of military service
  • Discharge status
  • Disability status

We can direct you to resources that help to file the application and then we will work with you to develop a customized plan of care for your home care needs.

If you are a veteran, the spouse of a veteran, or know a veteran whose life would be enhanced from having an in-home caregiver, contact Homewatch CareGivers today for more information about our services and VA Aid & Attendance benefits.


Providing the highest quality of care at an affordable cost. Our local caregivers are trained, background-checked, and insured. This is our promise to you.

About Our Caregivers
  • We conduct annual background checks on all local caregivers.

  • We provide at least 12 hours annually of employee training.

  • We perform in-person Quality Assurance visits at least every 90 days.

  • We conduct satisfaction surveys to monitor the level of care provided.

Ready to Speak with an Expert?
Homewatch CareGivers is Here to Help.

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